Video Details

Added by
wondergirl Germany
5:25 min
Average Rating
15 Ratings
Double Penetration
Objects Insertion

Video Description

Whenever I've served my very special carrot soup to a guy, he fucks me very uninhibitedly and really horny afterwards. However, I have always kept my particularly delicious recipe for the preparation to myself. But now I won't keep it to myself any longer and show you my totally naughty secret recipe in the video. ;-) Carrots are said to be very healthy and, on top of that, good for the eyes. But really only for the eyes? Personally, the delicious vegetables always bring out the hottest feelings in my wet cunt and my tight asshole. (hi, hi,) Prepared with so much 'love', the soup gets its very personal and delicious taste. Wouldn't you like to try my special carrot soup too? By the way, it would be really cool of you if you would help me to prepare it a little and taste the special ingredients for me in between?


(1-4 of 4)
  • Xycigagy

    Mar 9, 2018, 10:59:36 AM

    Repellat maiores dolor.

    Response from wondergirl

    Jun 2, 2018, 9:58:26 AM

    jop :-) :-)

  • Martincito

    Nov 12, 2017, 12:07:50 PM

    Liebes Wondergirl...Du könntest mal ein Kochbuch für deine Fans schreiben...Dein Fan....

    Response from wondergirl

    Nov 12, 2017, 12:15:28 PM

    danke schön für deinen Kommentar, freut mich das es dir gefallen hat

  • puppi2002

    Oct 14, 2017, 9:11:58 AM

    Tolles Video, geile Frau , werde jetzt wohl bei Möhren immer an Dich denken müssen

    Response from wondergirl

    Oct 15, 2017, 12:00:20 PM

    danke schön für deinen Kommentar, freut mich das es dir meine Video gefallen hat

  • Thomili_Jones

    Oct 7, 2017, 12:52:34 PM

    Geiles Geheimrezept, bestimmt sehr lecker, Du bist Super, LG

    Response from wondergirl

    Oct 7, 2017, 1:03:31 PM

    Mit selbst gemachte Nudel ein rarities ! :-)

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